Yay, I had done my final assignment/exam too. Is a great news for me.
But the other things is I still have holiday assignment to do it, Sigh*
The next is I'm totaly failure, I getting sick.
I'm suffering on flu,sore throat and headache now.
Holidays mood totally gone.
Today my last subject go on still can said that is satisfied.
I wrote a lot's clap clap clap*
Afterthen went to lunch with my classmate Boey,Bird & Moo.
Go for movie ' long foong dim'
Hahahaha quite funny and lmao*
I laugh to max enjoy the time with them release all my stressful.
I tot is a great day but when I get back to home,after a nap woke up.
getting flu,sore throat and headache too.
a lucky day turned to bad day =(
I gonna to sleep now, I miss him again and again.